Friday, July 24, 2009


Yeah, new name, same great taste. As it turns out, the name Freak Mode was already taken by a Chi-city Juke label that just came out of hibernation a few days ago. We thought about getting some legal rights to the name, but we found out that they may just be too freaky for us to get into that.

We are now CUT DIVISION. I've been telling people that this name better reflects our personality as a label—showing our thang for bay slang as well as having our shit together and organized.

But we're really the exact same label. Same projects we're working on, same shows are happening, same Mission going on. So here's what we've been up to lately.

SLOW LORIS is going to sonoma to record its first EP tomorrow. And we're all pumped! We'll be working on the same rad tunes. I don't want to give away anything until I can actually literally give away some of these tracks when we're done, so I'll leave it at that. These are some really gnarly songs we have working. Actually you may have wondered why Thomas was a little late on his post—it turns out he had a RELAPSE of tonsilitis, which our music was able to STRIKE DOWN for the second time in a row! It's that good!

Also, I got a question—are you doing anything next friday? I hope not! actually if you have anything planned for Friday afternoon, cancel it—work, doctor appointsments, weddings, funerals, births—cancel it all and COME TO the THIRD ANNUAL DOLORES PARK ROCK N ROLL BBQ[name pending]!

It's gonna RULE. Guess who's playing:

TSA ([maybe] last show EVER!)
HI HO SILVER! (reunited!)

and MANY MORE t.b.a.

and there is going to be SO MUCH FOOD and SO MANY WEBBER GRILLS. I'm already in a rock 'n' roll food coma. I think I may be playing with at least four bands, so you know, I'll be interested in something the whole time. So why don't you come along? Bring a band! Bring a burger! Bring a grill! Bring a thizz pill!

That's about it. If that got you too excited, I would go over to gilman tomorrow night and catch MIKE HUNCHBACK AND THE WEIRD FANTASY BAND, SHELLSHAG, and local faves YANKEE KAMIKAZE, and MORE.


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