Friday, July 3, 2009

Thug, Nastier

A very cutty thing got dropped into the Box recently. The track is by a cutty who refers to himself by "Tre-Fuck".

I'd love to throw a lil bio at all you faithful readers but the truth and realness is that I actually don't know a thing about Tre-Fuck aside from some rumors and hear-say humming around the Dolores Park scene. Basically I've been able to paste together some drunken homeless ramblings of him being the sole survivor of Christmas Castle or being the latest incarnation of Prophet Elijah—not the Hebrew, but the muscley shirtless black man that used to hang around DP and offer my friends meth. It's also said that this Tre-Fuck has something to do with another figure, known as Kongo Rock—not to be confused with the Italian House Congorock. The hype is that Tre-Fuck has to lay low due to a mile-long rap sheet for disturbing the peace, amplified noise without a permit, noise vandalism, vandal vandalism, impersonating a judge, impersonating clergy, and otherwise going too hard.

That's why I was so surprised to see this character turn up, if not in the flesh than at least in the pulse of one-zeroes that goes into our "Sound Cloud" box. They say you're innocent until proven guilty, but this track makes it clear that if he stands accused of going too hard, he's guilty as charged. He told us that vocals need some remastering, and that could be the case. It does sound like Sticky Simple, the talented local who drops an epic bus-hopping/getting-up narrative of a flow, recorded his rap through the plexiglass window of a county jail, like Mac Dre's In Motion and so many other Bay rap classics.

Hear it yourself: you be the judge.

Thug Nastier - Tre Fuck

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