Thursday, July 16, 2009


I got this friend Max right here. He's a great dude. He always has shit to talk. And I trust his taste in music over my own most of the time. So even Dolores Park seems fun with him.

For instance: Max was there a couple of weeks ago, when some friends and I were bumming around there and drinking 40z like morons instead of seeing Pentagram (like I said, moronic; maybe a little justified since i had to buy a bus pass and I could not afford $25 shows at the time). It was sort of fortuitous having him there, at least, instead of looking at the usual crowd of BKF weirdos (Robbie DiPaulo was hanging out with Cameron Knutson if that means anything to anyone. People don't read this as a SF gossip blog though so I'll just say that it's a weird combo that threw a surreal spin on a standard feeling of Thursday night lethargy). Here's not one, but TWO myspace sites that I was compelled to peep the next day, all by Max.


I'm one of those Ameseours bandwagon-hoppin, Aquarius-newsletter-skimmin a-holes that's otherwise clueless about the rest of the French Black Metal scene. I mean, I know about Les Légions Noires on a wikipedia basis (Black Legions of Black Metal, too deadly for distribution other than tapes passed around the corpsepainted masses) but I'm too lazy to go out finding the good (or evil) stuff. On our way back to the park from the 40-store I told him about this, and he pointed out how "faggy" I was and referred me to PESTE NOIRE.

I found some of their music here, but be warned:

"PESTE NOIRE has no official myspage page nor any website and will never have. They are totally against that "Funderground friend-seeking" side of the internet BM [Thomas just asked me what this stood for: Black Metal, duh] scene (myspace, youtube) and reject the exposure of their music to the unworthy masses through mp3s by so-called "fans" (myspace, lastfm, p2p)."

Serious. Too metal for myspace. Too metal for music-listening. Too raw for reality. Listen for yourself, if you think you're up to it. You also notice on there that Peste Noire is french for the Black Death. I guess the direct translation is just Black Pest; to the French, death is no more threatening than a mosquito! METAL. I also noticed that this says they're looking to play shows in July...they may not be into the Bay Area Funderground though. Moving on—


After some High Life, Max ended up meeting the bassist of MISTER LOVELESS. More "arguing/bonding with" than meeting, I should be more precise. We'd sort of known Charlie for a while through mutual friends, but Max has a way of hazing people when they "step on the scene", so to speak. I'm gonna paraphrase that conversation and probably misappropriate and embarrass myself and everyone else involved.

Charlie: Are you gonna go to the Rickshaw Stop on the 23rd?
Max: I don't think so, man.
C: You know I'm playing there dude, and your friends in Tincture and the Downer Par—
M: I hate you Charlie.
C: I hate you too Max.
M: You know what charlie, I like you.
C: I don't want you to like me.
C: I like you, Max.
M: Charlie, I LOVE YOU.

My buddy Thomas ended up chatting up Charlie about how much they like reverb. So natch I'm up on myspace the next day, peeping Mister Loveless. I like them! Shit, I think I could even convince Max to like them. He'd at least give them a shot, which is saying something. The last time he gave someone shit for being too fashionable or "hip" or whatever, the guy went "dirty-hippy" and decided to change his name to Learner Patrick Young and go to "Wanderer's Conventions" in New Mexico. Charlie is doing strong at this point. Probably practicing for his show next Thursday at the Rickshaw Stop or navigating some legal shitmine involving liscensing their song for the next Tony Hawk game. Real shit. Maybe M.L. is down to get Freaky and let us put a track or two up in a bit.

I'll also see if Max Bizzy is down to get Freaky...maybe trade him bass lessons for blog posts so that he can start the best doom metal band to come from SF since Blood Orgy.

But that's it for now. See you on Saturday, FREAKS. I'll be stepping in the studio with Jimmy and Thomas, and maybe by the time we come out I'll have another myspace to show you. I'll at least put some pictures on this post to make it more exciting by then.


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